Recent content by foofighter

  1. foofighter

    FS: Land Rover OE Hitch

    $300.00+shipping I'll take paypal I have 2 keys
  2. foofighter

    Improved MPG

    when was the last time you had changed your filter? I would be dancing the happy dance if i could avg 17mpg i'm happy now to get 15 avg and what's everyone's thoughts on that sea foam stuff? the guys ont he tacoma boards swear by them on cleaning out their system.
  3. foofighter

    Try To Keep The Abuse to a Minimum . . .

    really nicely done video!
  4. foofighter

    Headlight Tint?

    it is illegal to do that in CA
  5. foofighter

    Wrangler MTR vs Pirelli Scorpion ATR

    as much as i like the look of the MTR's i have to be realistic and honest w/ that i do that much offroading to warrant such a tire? out here in socal there's not much mud so I will more than likely go w/ the Pirelli's
  6. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    ya carfax was good, it's funny because that post i link above that guys car has the rub strip mounted that low too
  7. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    LOL hmm i found at one point on the disco3 site someone doing a DYI pictorial where they measured off everything etc wich i could find it then at least we can figure out which dealer did it right LOL thanks i really like em, the fleck in the paint really catches the light looks like mine...
  8. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    morrisdl: that is interesting...this is what happens when u buy pre owned...i'm pretty sure the dealer installed it and they probably did it wrong
  9. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    easy off oven cleaner will do the trick on the caked on brake dust :) Jesus Man: we'll definitely see how it holds up. I put on extra coats near the lip and on the face just for weird things that might happen whilst offroading
  10. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    It's actually called "graphite" I didnt paint the inside as these the backs were just really messed up by the preivious owner. I cleaned as much as i could but some of the brake dust had really done it's deed. You cant tell unless you look up...
  11. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    wow here it's 45/wheel but that's w/ my hook took me from start between 12:30-1PM and finished around 5PM for 3 wheels a little over an 1hr a wheel? this would be great to do for offroad dedicated wheels IMO
  12. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    Took care of the center caps as well And here's the finished product!
  13. foofighter

    New look for my 19's

    Feeling like a little change of pace and not wanting to spend too much money on mods. I went to the local parts store and picked up a can of Duplicolor primer, graphite wheel paint, and clear. Since I didnt have access to a lift I had to do this the long and tedious way, ONE wheel at a time...
  14. foofighter

    Review Camera install

    hmm that's another option i never thought of. my wife's odyssey has that feature in the rear view. I'll be honest it's a bit difficult to see but it does the job. be good to have that camera kit you installed and have it connect to the rearview mirror

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